30" x 20" Acrylic and Digital
This piece captures the unconditional love children have for each other which spills outwardly to the rest of their family through its radiance. Their hearts are in motion with this feeling (even though, they sometimes feel the opposite).
The son (blue jay) and the daughter (cardinal) are rooted on the branch of a willow tree, where lilies are blossoming from its bark. This is their mother, whose lessons are passed through her to her children with a love that only she can understand.
The divided ‘sun’ symbolizes how each child gives from themselves in their own way.
There is a silence between the two in this piece as the two embrace each other with their wings. This is a mutual respect, which will grow as they get older (or so one hopes).
The black in the painting connects all things together; the oneness of family.
The circles, 2 connected and one independent, represent family members from the past..